How Value Stream Mapping Creates a Culture of Continuous Improvement

I was talking with a senior leader about an upcoming Value Stream Mapping workshop They said “the workshop goals are modest, though if they are acheived, we would still have a big impact”

Through Value Stream Mapping, the team is thinking about their work in terms of the value they are delivering to the customer, and their contribution to company goals. In this way they intend to deliver measurable value. At the leadership level, we often have clearer goals and more visibility into how value is delivered to the customer. But if we’re not connecting the day-to-day work done by teams to these goals and measuring how they contribute to customer value, we might just end up with busy teams without a clear impact. A large part of the value is here - the change in how teams think about their work. How many teams in your organization know how to measure the value they deliver to the customer, and how many are effectively aligning their work with company goals?